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Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat In Hampstead

Coolsculpting Near Me, Freeze Away Stubborn Fat In Hampstead

Uncategorized / February 22, 2022

Coolsculpting near Wilmington


What is Coolsculpting?


Coolsculpting is a term used for a fat-freezing method that aims to get rid of stubborn fat in certain areas of the body. This method is called cryolipolysis, which by definition is a nonsurgical fat reduction procedure that uses cold temperature to reduce fat deposits in certain areas of the body.


Coolsculpting Results of Abdomen 90 Days from Treatment

How long Will my results last?


Coolsculpting results last indefinitely, with the healthy balance and maintenance of diet and exercise. Once a coolsculpting treatment is complete, it kills the fat cells in that area and they are gone for good.


What are the Advantages over liposuction?

  • Non-invasive
  • FDA approved
  • No Downtime/Minimal Discomfort
  • Minimal Side effects

How much does Coolsculpting cost?


One of the most common Coolsculpting questions asked is the price. We offer FREE Coolsculpting Consultations which allow us to individualize a treatment plan for your specific goals. The pricing will vary depending on the area treated and amount of sessions done. We offer a loyalty membership here at Enhance Wellness and Medspa in Hampstead which allows you to get discounted pricing on our Coolsculpting services.

What makes me a good candidate?


Not everyone is a good candidate for a Coolsculpting treatment. Coolsculpting targets stubborn fat bulges, but is not ideal for large areas of fat. Most candidates will have a specific area that they want to be treated. Both men and women can receive Coolsculpting treatments. Women typically focus on abdomen and thighs while men focus on underarms and back area. Although Coolsculpting does treat a variety of different areas on the body such as:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Bra Fat
  • Underarms
  • Inner and Outer Thighs
  • Under the buttock known as the “banana roll”
  • Chin

Is Coolsculpting painful?


A treatment session can be scheduled in the middle of your busy day and you can even return to work right after your treatment. The non-invasive treatment means no needles or incisions, which reduces the chances of side effects. Common side effects are minimal, including temporary redness, bruising, or stinging at the treatment site.

On the day of treatment, the deviceis placed on the treatment area. There are various shapes and sizes of applicators that are available which allows us to find the best fit for you and the area being treated. Once the treatment is started you may feel some mild discomfort but once the skin is cooled to the appropriate temperature you will just feel a cooling sensation in that area. Treatment time varies depending on the area being treated, and if multiple areas are being done the same day.

During the treatment you will be able to watch TV, read, or listen to music. We provide a comfortable environment with TV to watch your favorite Netflix shows. There is no medication or anesthesia required during or before treatment. You can immediately return to normal activities post treatment. There may be some mild tenderness and soreness in the area treated, but you can resume normal activities as soon as they are comfortable to you.

Coolsculpting Treatment Results of Abdomen after 1 Session


How long does it take to see results?


Typically people will do 1-3 sessions on a treatment area spaced 30 days apart. Results from the treatment can start to be seen in as little as three weeks, but full results will be seen over 3 months.  It takes your body an average of 90 days to eliminate the fat cells. As always, keep in mind that everyone’s results are different and results may vary.